Available now on Kindle, the memoirs of life long abductee HILARY PORTER of B.E.A.M.S.
I've interviewed this wonderful person, HILARY PORTER on a couple of occasions, and our interview can be seen here on the Eklectia website - she also spoke at my 2014 conference in Hastings UK, when mainstream media did a big article which can also be seen here on the Eklectia website Interviews page. Hilary is shown here with one of her many illustrations of her experiences, drawing many of the events, which are in her new e-book.
To see my other interviews click on the link below for the Ammach/ETN youtube channel
Hilary has had some profound experiences which are not of the love and light type and have been tough to deal with. She continues to offer counseling for abductees/experiencers calling on her deep insights and experience. She and her partner, Ken Parsons, runs B.E.A.M.S. The British Earth & Aerial Mysteries Society
AND Ken Parsons also features on the Eklectia album with his deeply haunting track,
OCEANS CALL, which Dug said in one of our last calls that he loved it and enjoyed meditating to it. Hilary is dyslexic like many experiencers and a comment has been made about her recently published memoirs, reflecting the spelling of this self published book, which Ken helped put together....so do bear with him and her..... be kind.
Finally, Hilary worked at Marconi in the 70s as an Engineer Draughtswoman, when there was a security breach which caused all kinds of mayhem, as they were the go to company for exotic weaponry development. Further, in the 1980s journalist, Tony Collins wrote about the many strange deaths of its employees that occurred at Marconi, all working in different areas.
However on this occasion, Hilary found out that the breach was by ET! The top secret area that had been breached was cordoned off afterwards. The security guard who discovered this event and encountered ET red handed was never seen or heard of again....she has had some extraordinary experiences.
Please write any positive comments if you read Hilary's incredible story, for only .99p on kindle....and or write to BEAMS also. We need to support our people.! I will be writing a review in due course.