Regression Therapy / Quantum Healing
Joanna is a regression practitioner: For anyone wanting to explore regression/quantum healing therapy please contact Joanna
(ETN mob: 0795 1752 813), you can visit the website for further information:
or email regressiontherapyuk333@gmail.com whether you are an abductee, contactee or have experienced phenomena, and want to explore issues.
I wanted to share with you just some of the very simple, effective and relatively inexpensive support mechanisms that have been a part of my own ongoing general wellness and health care. My interest in health has always been uppermost, well before my focus on things ET/alien/other intelligences. And I am interested in how my knowledge can help experiencers and others as I have been helped by these great elements, which I'll share below. My friends comprise therapists, practitioners and complementary health professionals of one discipline or another, including yoga and massage, to homeopathy, reflexology, crystal and sound and spiritual healing to regression and much more. I also put on with two colleagues for five years a complementary health care exhibition/conference. I explored the more esoteric, where consciousness at deeper levels was engaged. a deeply powerful and gentle system, which many today would cite as quantum healing. I trained in a regression-orientated technique where I ran workshops addressing the healing of traumas and blockages of varying kinds.
My own health related interests include nutrition and supplements to support health and wellness generally. In this regard,I have found helpful in maintaining long term wellness, several lesser known or acknowledged ingredients, some of which are given below with links, most of them are not expensive.
However, the disclaimer is that 'each person is responsible for their own well being and research, that I am not medically trained and am not giving any medical advice.'
What I share has worked for me, and I know others that it has equally benefited, and this includes for our animal friends.
One of the latest interests regarding health is CBD oil.

Here are a few other things which I discovered over the years and which I find incredibly beneficial
H202 Hydrogen Peroxide
Apple Cider Vinegar - I use this most days in a drink, I take about a tablespoon in a glass sometimes once or twice a day. There is lots of information out there, but this will give you a good overview.
Magnesium chloride - I make my own magnesium oil...SOOOO simple too.
Diatomaceous Earth - I take it from time to time
Bicarbonate of Soda great after you've had a drink too - helps the body rebalance!
Homeopathy - https://www.homeopathycenter.org/what-is-homeopathy
Reflexology - http://www.aor.org.uk/home/what-is-reflexology
I use hand reflexology for ease, and this is my favourite book
Manifesting - Brain / Consciousness Training using the
MID BRAIN - Millionaire Yoga
Developed by Dr Pillai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62xhpjptg-Q
& Website: http://www.millionaireyoga.com/dr-pillai